Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Well, Fuck...

My PSP of less than two years is shot. A month and a half ago, I get a game I've been wanting to play, I put it in, turn on the system and get stuck with the start up loading screen. After trying a few more times, I check the memory card slot; no memory card. Must've shot out when the system was knocked off the table by the cat or dogs.

So, after cursing incoherently for a bit I decide to order a new eighty dollar memory card. No big deal, my progress in Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Star Ocean: First Departure, Maverick Hunter X, and Megaman: Powered Up!(Yay, now I have to start from scratch with the custom stage I was building!) is gone forever. No reason to flip out.

So, I spend a month waiting and finally get a new memory card. I download and install the system update, again and... I still can't play my games. Apparently when the system took a fall, the drive busted. I turned the system on and used a butter to press the tab that tells the system there's a disc in there. The motor doesn't spin and there's no light from the laser assembly.

So, I'm totally not flipping my shit and making up new profanities right now.

What happened to the days of quality handhelds? I remember the original GameBoy and how that thing was tough as a brick. I remember reading an old Nintendo Power article about how one was in a fire and the casing was half melted when it was found but it still played games. I remember mine hitting the floor quite a few times without any of the inner workings being fucked up. Unless it was one of the things that got looted years ago during one of my many moves, I probably still have it; buried in a plastic tote box. Hell, if I do still have it, it probably still works. If I ever com across it, I'll test out my copy of Poke'Mon Yellow on it.

Now it seems like every handheld system these days is about as tough as a flimsy plastic container. You'd think all those fancy new innards would be protected a bit better.

...Yes, I'm going to eventually buy a new PSP. It'd cost more to find digital downloads of all the games I currently have and I'm not sure they're all available as digital copies anyway.

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