Sunday, March 31, 2013

Apparently Not a Joke

I actually joined Tumblr. No, I'm dead serious; I fucking went and made another blog. Oh well, that is kinda my thing; hopping from one host to the next like an internet parasite of some sort. Well, at least I'll be kind of obligated to be active there and may very well post some of my opinions in a non-rant format. So, here it is: Sideburn Alley. If there's anyone that's keeping up with this thing, chances are it won't see much activity unless I repost something from my new blog; so if you're reading this, I'll most likely be hanging out there for the foreseeable future.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monthly Segment?

What monthly segment? I don't recall saying anyth-oh right, I did, didn't I? Oh well, I don't have to make excuses, it's not like I'm obligated to post on this thing. But, since I'm such a nice guy, I'll make a half assed attempt at one: life happened, I forgot, I was abducted by Zorthians and became the ruler of their planet, the best they ever had until I fudged it and inadvertently caused a war with their neighbors; the Melnaxians. Or, I just haven't been in a blogging mood. I still hate humanity and all that, but it's for the same reasons I always have and everything I go on a tangent about has already been said by others who are more eloquent, or know more about the source material or who/what is involved and how it affects them/it. So yeah, I think it's about time to admit I've reached a dead end with this thing. Oh well, I stopped giving a shit quite a while ago, anyways. So, I think that's it for this dark little corner of the internet full of crap and not much else. I'll probably still be posting at my RPG Maker Projects blog whenever I actually make progress on one of the umpteen projects I've got sitting in limbo. I may find a use for this hunk of crap, too, but that remains to be seen. So until then, ciao.

Watch as I go make a Tumblr and maybe post once before leaving it for dead. Oh great, now I'm actually contemplating making one, fuck me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I feel like do something with this thing other than making random posts on whatever is on my mind or outright bitching about my life. I'm going to start a regular segment: Why I Hate Humanity. It's going to be a monthly list of things that make me see humanity as a failed experiment; the type of thing that makes me a pessimistic asshole who thinks the worst of the species he's a part off. I'm looking to make this a monthly thing and I'll most likely limit it to shit I read online. The items listed will be in no specific order and the number could vary depending on how much stupidity I find online and feel like including. So, without further ado; let's get started!

Why I Hate Humanity

-Star Wars: The Old Republic has a pay to be gay planet.
Apparently, being homosexual in a Star Wars MMO is frowned upon and those who want to have to pay actual money to be allowed to. Apparently, someone forgot that they made games with a fleshed out romance system that made a hell of a lot of people happy. Now they're trying to fix it by half assing it in SWTOR. The comments against including this in the game are hilarious, too. Especially when you consider that for (most) of the first three movies the hero was trying to get into his sister's pants. Apparently, these people who think being gay in the Star Wars universe are cool with incest. Oh, I don't play the game and never will; mainly because my PC probably couldn't handle it, I'm not a fan of Star Wars and this dick move on EA and Bioware's part will keep me from ever touching it.

-Having a legitimate complaint about something makes you a troll.
Anyone who has a legitimate complaint about a video game/movie/comic/television show on a forum centered around one of those things will most likely be branded a troll. If you don't like *insert video game/movie/comic/television show* for being mediocre, not living up to the expectations of the franchise or series, then you're a hateful troll, apparently. No matter what your complaints are, you aren't entitled to have them because according to internet, they are wrong. It's hilarious how in this age of communication people on the internet are so close minded.

-The Friend Zone
Sex is not a reward for being a good friend or treating someone like a human being. If you think you're in the friend zone because the person you think you were friend zoned by drops a hint or two but doesn't outright admit to liking you, you're not. You have either encountered a person who is jackass that likes stringing people along; a real life troll; or you are oblivious to the fact that maybe they have a crush on you too. Grow a spine and make a move; ask them out. If they give you the friend line, then you're not going to get anywhere or they're just as nervous as you and need time to think. Until then, be a friend but don't expect to be rewarded with sex for doing so. If they come to the conclusion that they just want to be friends, don't act like an ass and have a meltdown about how you deserve a reward for being a friend. If you do, you're not a real friend.