Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Wheeeee, it's time for a "My Life Sucks" post! Oh boy, oh boy, what is it now, family drama? Something about the majority of the human race being fuckwads that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves? Nope, it's my very first post about how I suck! Ooh, this'll be great, I'm gonna love typing this!

So yeah, I feel like crap. I'm lamenting the fact that I pretty much completely neglected to lay the groundwork for some sort of future life that I would be exceedingly happy living about seven or eight years ago. I made no plans and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I could've applied myself and wound up with a career that I love and some sort of life. I didn't really make much of an effort and now I'm stuck doing odd jobs and bouncing from various jobs that usually seem more permanent when I get hired. Either I get laid off because of cutbacks or some shit, get fired because I don't function well with moronic assholes who could be replaced by chimps that would do a better job or I quit because of them or a jackass boss whose stupidity and assholishness would wind up screwing me, or someone else over big time. I'm incapable of ignoring it because the last time I did, I started having stomach pains and I don't want to wind up getting a goddamned stress ulcer because of that shit.

So, I'm stuck with a crappy life, trying to find a steady job that won't force me to deal with assholes I'm not allowed to beat senseless and no prospects for a better life. I've come to accept this and that just depresses me. Yes, I know I can take an online course or something along those lines and take a step to better my life, but it's to damn late for that. I don't really have the skills to warrant making a huge effort and by the time I developed any, it'd be too late. Anything to do with any sort of college courses would be a total waste. I don't have the money to survive and try to better myself and I've always been a fan of surviving. My best bet is to hope I get over this whole having morals and being a semi-decent human being thing and manage to get a job that doesn't require a lot of skill.

So yeah...I needed to vent. I've been holding onto that for quite a while and I just couldn't deal with not saying something about it any longer. I'm not going to wallow in self pity and despair and go all emo, I just needed to get that off my chest so I can maybe stop dwelling on it so damned much.

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