Monday, November 12, 2012


Another post having something to do with politics? Why not? Now, it's not going be eloquent and it may come off as something an average joe with a very basic understanding of the subject would say; but I did mention I wasn't exactly in the know about politics.

First off, I'm glad Obama was re-elected. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm talking about, but from what I've heard, it's the best possible outcome. First off, all those campaign ads mentioning Romney having multiple offshore and foreign accounts did not sit right with me. The man comes from money and has absolutely no right preaching about how he's going to fix the economy; among other things he promised. His plans to abolish Medicare really raised the warning flags...all of them, in fact. I know people on Medicaid and Medicare, they can't afford the healthcare and medicine they need without it. Nearly all of the ads against Obama have something to do with Obamacare; it's rare that I've seen in ad in the past two months that wasn't "Obamcare Bad".

Sure, Obama's plans seem to be moving at a snail's pace, but to be fair, he does have to clean up the mess made by the moron who held the position of president for eight years before him. That can't be easy, but three years into his first term, he did something that the moron said he was going to do for eight years, but never did.

Then there's this:

This is what a sore loser is. He lost the race and got pissy and most of the people who worked on his campaign were left high and dry because of it. These people took the time and made the effort for his campaign and he has the nerve to do this. He is a rich bastard, but he can't afford to at least allow his campaign workers to pay for a cab/bus ticket/plane ticket home; he has to pull the plug and leave some poor shmuck from Montana stranded in New York, where he was campaigning for him? That stupid douche probably realized that this would happen and probably got a chuckle out of it when he cut the funding on thousands of peoples credit cards.

I'll say it again; I'm glad Obama was re-elected. I seriously would have packed my bags and left the country if Romney won. Now, I'm not saying that a Republican president is a bad thing, but so far, I prefer the Democrat side of things; there's a smaller chance of people being royally screwed by them, though I suppose it varies depending on the person and not the party, too.

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